John Drinkwater
(1882-1937) was an experienced man of the theatre when he wrote his one-act,
blank verse drama in 1917 titled X=0: A Night
of the Trojan War. He was also recognized as one of the six Dymock Poets
who, prior to World War One, made their homes near the village of Dymock in
Gloucestershire, England. While Drinkwater’s contributions to poetry are
significant, I will focus on X=0 for
this post.
The title of the play is
a mathematical equation that denotes two equals cancel each other out. It also
indicates the reality of the situation is meaningless. The human component added to the mathematical one
illustrates the absurdity of the situation.
is presented in four scenes. Scene One is a Grecian tent on the plain before
Troy, near the end of the ten years’ war. Two young Greek soldiers are talking
in their tent. Pronax is an aspiring statesman and Salvius is a poet. They
share thoughts before Pronax leaves to catch a Trojan.
Scene Two takes place on
the Trojan Wall during that same evening. Ilus, a career soldier, is going to
raid the Greek camp. Capys, a sculptor, is on guard duty. They have time to
share thoughts prior to Ilus’s departure to steal into the Greek’s camp. Once
Capys is alone on watch, Pronax sneaks over the wall and kills him.
Scene Three takes place
in the Greek tent where Salvuis is reading. He is found by Ilus, who kills him
and leaves. Pronax returns to find Savius dead.
Scene Four is back at the
Trojan Wall. It dramatizes Ilus’s return.
was premiered at the Birmingham Repertory Theatre on April 14, 1917. It was
presented as the second one-act on a triple bill—Everybody’s Husband by Gilbert Cannan (1884-1955) was presented
first and Augustus in Search of a Father
by Harold Chapin (1886-1915) was the third play. Chapin served in the British
Royal Army Medical Corps and was killed in 1915 at the Battle of Loos.
It was not sheer
coincidence that Chapin’s play was on the bill following X=0. If any audience members considered X=0 as strictly a story relating only to the Trojan War, the death
of Harold Chapin would certainly help them to equate the deaths in the play
with his death in the midst of World War One.
Heinz Kosok in his book The Theatre of War (2007) mentions that X=0 was twice revived in other
triple-bill combinations at the Birmingham Repertory Theatre and it ran for a
total of twenty-one performances. He further speculates that this play did not
create a patriotic outcry due partly to the high esteem of the author, partly
because it was “merely a one-act play” and partly because “it expressed a
feeling of disillusionment after the Somme debacle.” In other words, the play spoke to audiences
for a number of reasons while the wastefulness of war was the clear message.
But the play was not
without public controversy. The reviewer
for the Birmingham Post wrote in his
April, 1917 review: “Mr. Drinkwater’s play is not, as it may often seem to
some, a homily against war. But it is an exhortation to those who sit beside
their hearths to remember the great renunciation and sacrifice that youth must
make in a just cause.” This same individual reviewed the play again on June 13,
1917 for the same newspaper. He included
his above thoughts and then states: “Since then it has received the public and
private benediction of pacifists, of militarists, and conscientious objectors.”
He continues by comparing Drinkwater’s 1914 poems that have a patriotic fervor with
the sentiments in the play. Later in the review he forms the conjecture that
Drinkwater was “apparently oblivious of all that England went to war for; all
the great ideals or the great crimes which seem fitting theme for the poet’s
pen he passes by.”
These remarks and many
others illustrate that the play was not without controversy in the press and in
the minds of some members of the public. But the criticism did not stop the
play from being popular. Commencing in 1919 and continuing throughout the next
twenty plus years, X=0 was a
performance piece for local dramatic clubs, colleges, and high schools
throughout the United Kingdom. The Cheltenham Technical College presented the
play in February, 1936. The review in the Cloucestershire
Echo is without the condemnation of earlier reviews that were written as
World War One ended. The reviewer states: “the Trojan War is any war, past or
future, and it ‘cancels out’ without merciless mathematics the flowers of human
culture, beauty, love, youth—on both sides of the senseless conflict.”
The British Broadcasting
Company created a production of X=0
for its radio audience. The earliest notice I read about a broadcast was from 1925.
I did not learn when this radio production was originally aired. The X=0 radio production was also broadcast
to schools sporadically throughout the next ten years. BBC Television produced X=0. It began airing in August of 1939.
An operatic version of
the play was created by Geoffrey Bush (1920-1998) a British composer, organist
and pacifist. The opera titled The
Equation premiered at the All Saints Church in London on January 11, 1968.
He adapted Drinkwater’s X=0 with a
change of setting as well as creating a new title. The opera portrays the
Roman’s siege of Jerusalem. This opera is one of six written by Bush.
I have read newspaper
announcements regarding productions of X=0
staged in Canada and the United States. These productions were mounted by
nonprofessional theatre groups: colleges, dramatic clubs and high schools. The
productions I read about were presented between 1939 and 1949. So X=0 was a play that also spoke to
audiences during the Second World War.
Unto My Feet, an American ecumenical religious
television program produced by Columbia Broadcast System, was broadcast
nationally on Sunday mornings. This
weekly program created a version of X=0. It was shown on the Fresno, California
television station KFRE-TV on November 8, 1964. That probably was the date the
program was aired across the United States.
X=0 was
originally published by the author in 1917. The book was published under the
title Pawns, Three Poetic Plays. The
other two plays were The Storm (1915)
and The God of Quiet (1916). All
three plays were written by Drinkwater. This book received two more releases--1918
and 1919.
Another edition titled Pawns, Four Poetic Plays was published
in 1920. It has an Introduction by Jack R. Crawford, Assistant Professor of
English at Yale University. This version was published by Boston Houghton
Mifflin and The University Press Cambridge. The fourth play that was added to
the previous three is Cophetua
was also published in a volume titled Ten
Modern Plays. These plays were
selected and edited by John Hampden. The book was published by Thomas Nelson
& Sons, Ltd. The first publication was December, 1928 and this edition was
followed with ten reprints over the next eleven years. This volume had wide
distribution on both sides of the Atlantic.
There appears to be
renewed interest in X=0 and the other
plays written by John Drinkwater. I have seen newspaper reports relating to
several recent productions. Two productions were performed in 2016 at British universities.
NOTE: There are two
on-line articles that provide additional information about John Drinkwater and X=0.
WORD IS SAID” Re-reading the poetry of John Drinkwater by
Adrian Barlow. The article is based on a talk given to
the Friends of the
Dymock Poets, 5 April 2008.
2. The
other piece is titled Drinkwater’s X=0—friend
or foe.
February 29, 2016 BY SILIBRARIAN. James Kelly is the
author of
the article.
Thanks for this interesting post. I came across X=0 while researching an exhibition about the history of performance at Edge Hill University in the UK. The Principal read the play at a meeting of a student society, Pons Asinorum, formed to ensure science students had the benefits of literature and culture. This was in 1920 when the institution was a teacher training college for women. An interesting choice of play for that event!